NER: Tours of Duty

NJ Jackals Star Wars Night
2019-06-22, Little Falls, NJ
TKID Members Name Costume
12782 Jay Ballesteros Spotter/Handler
10229 Michael Civitano Spotter/Handler
38190 John Conti (TI) TIE Pilot: Reserve Pilot
73168 Donald DeMeester (SL) Emperor Palpatine: ROTS/ESB/ROTJ (Black Sith Robe)
31124 Sebastian Depaola (CC) Clone Commander (EU) (Phase 2): Thire
24407 Steven Fidler (TI) TIE Pilot: 181st
7218 John Garzillo (IN) Imperial Navy Trooper: Dress Uniform
25217 Carla Giacalone Rebel Legion Costume
12110 Taylor Goodson (TK) Stormtrooper: ANH Stunt
12879 Doug Hutnik (SL) Darth Maul
60319 Victoria Lowe (TB) Biker Scout
72164 Dave Mielnicki (DS) Kylo Ren: Starkiller Base
61226 Gregg Milite Rebel Legion Costume
17422 Brian Polifrone (TK) Stormtrooper: ANH Stunt
48415 Edward Snediker (ID) Officer: Staff Officer, (Black)
74711 Justin Sonfield (SL) Darth Vader: ANH
92679 Naomi Sonfield (TI) Inferno Squad-Commander Iden Versio
6218 Paul Tizzano (TC) Clone Trooper (AOTC) (Phase 1): Standard Trooper
22795 Albert Torres (CC) Clone Captain (TCW) (Phase 1): Keeli
17507 Rob Wojciechowski (TD) Sandtrooper
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