NER: Tours of Duty

Heroes and Villains Fan Fest Day 2
2018-09-09, Edison, NJ
TKID Members Name Costume
12782 Jay Ballesteros (BH) Boba Fett: Special Edition
11871 Joe Brausam (CC) Clone Commander (ROTS) (Phase 2): Bly
8869 Terry Browning (TI) TIE Pilot: 181st
10229 Michael Civitano Rebel Legion Costume
25217 Carla Giacalone (DZ) Jawa
19812 Sean Glennon (TC) Clone Trooper (EU) (Phase 1): 501st Battalion
12110 Taylor Goodson (TK) Stormtrooper: The Force Awakens
72715 Matthew Growick (TK) Stormtrooper: ANH Stunt
52482 Jaime Jimenez (ST) Shoretrooper: Squad leader
26199 Paul Kennedy (SL) Darth Nihilus: KOTOR II
92371 Stephen Moore (DS) Kylo Ren: Starkiller Base
41424 Bryan Phil Rebel Legion Costume
74711 Justin Sonfield (TK) Stormtrooper: The Last Jedi
92679 Naomi Sonfield (TK) Captain Phasma: The Force Awakens
21003 Chelsea Stebbins (TK) Stormtrooper: ESB
47877 Mike Yacullo (TI) TIE Pilot: ANH
88661 John Zech Rebel Legion Costume
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